Gemini Goals
The second U.S. manned space program
was announced in January 1962.
Its two-man crew gave it its name, Gemini, for the third
constellation of the
Zodiac and its twin stars, Castor and Pollux. Gemini
involved 12 flights,
including two unmanned flight tests of the equipment. Like
Mercury's, its major objectives were clear-cut:
- To subject man and equipment to space flight up to
two weeks in duration.
- To rendezvous and dock with orbiting vehicles and to
maneuver the docked combination by using the target
vehicle's propulsion system;
To perfect methods of entering the atmosphere and
landing at a preselected point on land. Its goals were
also met, with the exception of a land landing, which
was cancelled in 1964.
Gemini 4 Crew Signed
Coming Soon!
Jim McDivitt
also see Apollo 9
all measure 8x10 unless
specified otherwise
card #0079 hand signed in blue
Embassy Press
Photo (stamped as such on
back) showing James McDivitt
with his family. Hand
signed in green and in
pristine condition.
Jim McDivitt hand signed white
3x5 index card. Signature
is bold black ballpoint.
color 10x8 image of McDivitt
during GT-4 recovery
operations. Hand
signed in black sharpie.
Seldom seen signed. This is
my only one.
#JM Gemini - Recovery
McDivitt &
White during GT-4 sim
training. McDivitt
hand signs in black sharpie.
Measures 10" x 8".
#JM Gemini - Sim C
color 8" x 10" image of
McDivitt reviewing flight
information for his Gemini
flight. Boldly hand
signed in black sharpie.
#JM Gemini - Couch
This is a
VERY vintage 8" x 10" NASA
press release photo of the
GT-4 launch with printed
information on reverse.
It is hand signed in bold
black sharpie by James
McDivitt. In
outstanding condition.
#JM Gemini - Launch
Another VERY
vintage NASA press release
photo (10" x 8") of the GT-4
crew during sim training on
5/21/65. This is hand
signed by McDivitt who adds
"G IV" in bold blue sharpie.
NASA info is printed on the
reverse. A few minor
condition issues to the
upper right border that do
not at all detract from this
early origional NASA image.
#JM Gemini - Sim Training
VERY vintage
NASA press release photo (8"
x 10") of the GT-4 crew
during walkup to spacecraft
on launch day, 6/3/65.
Some upper left border edge
damage on an otherwise
outstanding image.
James McDivitt hand signe in
blue sharpie and adds
#JM Gemini - Launch Day Walkup